

Thursday 23 October 2014

Drafting and Planning: Self assessment of magazine templates

i could use these magazine cover later on in my media AS to show what progress i have made over the year and i can do this by referencing them in blog posts later on in the year.

the improvements i revived by a classmate are as follows:
M-1 Too many fonts overall but used cover lines and secondary images well.
M-2 Change colour of headline to a colour that is more complementary to the house style
Music X  Font colour of cover lines is too much

Wednesday 22 October 2014

similar products (Research into magazine distributors)
i have looked at Bauer media. they are the company that publish kerrang (the magazine that i have been mainly reaserching). i think that bauer media would be a perfect publisher for my magazine as they are already producing similar magazines to mine.
i have also looked at IPC media. they are one of the biggest leading publishers of music magazines in the uk. they publish some magazines such as UN CUT which are a rock music magazine and they produce NME which is a indi magazine. this could also be a suitable choice of publisher as they produce a wide range and genre of magazines.

Drafting and planning (C&C task)

I used a pun in the cover star credit to create a humorous effect. the phrase not coming home is funny as one of drakes songs contains the phrase "just hold on were coming home".

Now looking at my work i regret punting the cover star credit in that font and in the top right corner. i should have matched the font that is used in the magazine title and made it larger to stand out.

I used red throughout the cover to keep a effective house color scheme and because it will stand out in the full grey background.
i dont think i did a very good job on this magazine as i didnt keep the house style of red. i used blue as it is the colour connotation of depth which works well with the word "low".
i used simple conventions such as cover lines and pugs to make my cover look better but as i said i dont believe i used the correct fonts and colors.
i struggled with this magazine as i have no knowledge of what type of magazine genre this was. i used the front for the cover star as i thought it resembled the magazine name font.
i tried to use some codes and conventions in this cover. i used the basic conventions but i couldnt think of a pug that would go well and match the genre of the artist.
this was a difficult task for Pitch as it was hard to find good fonts that matched the hard to look at picture. i tried to use orange for my cover-lines and it made the finished piece look horrible.

 this was a fairly easy task. the kings of leon font was easy to work with as there are so many fonts with the type of flick on the end. the fonts for the cover-lines was easy enough to find as the big bold font of Sound narrowed down the choices for the fonts that i would be able to use in my work 

Tuesday 21 October 2014

target audience (survey results)

i made a survey so i could get a gereral idea of how i should construct my magazine. in my survey i asked these questions:
1. What age group tends to read rock magazines 8-16  17-25  26-34  35+
2. What main three features would you expect to see on the front cover of a rock music magazine.
3. Which magazine name do you think suits a rock magazine the best.  Hurt  J4K Music  JJM
4. What camera angle would be best for a band that has two members who will feature on my front cover, content page and double page spread.

From my survey i have found these results.

My target audience is going to be 17-25 year olds. This might change because in this century a lot of 40+ year olds still listen to rock music like ac-dc.

The main three features of the magazine front cover featured band/ artist, a Big headline in a bold professional font, a color scheme that contains a primary and secondary color, other headlines advertising the content inside the magazine.

the name of the magazine is going to be Hurt. i think this is a suitable name for a rock magazine as it is quite dark.

And that the shot of the band for my front cover should be a slightly low angled mid shot, this will make the band look powerful and also intimidating if that is the image that is trying to be achieved.

these results will help me when i make my magazine as i have gathered all the information that i need to make my magazine from my target audience.
the house styles chosen by my target audience were Red, Black and White. these are good colours as they are easy to incorporate into every day life and I will be able to get my cover star to feature in the magazine wearing one or two of the colours

Thursday 16 October 2014

Target Audience (survey monkey)

I have created a survey using a program called survey monkey so i can see what type of target audience i should be aiming for. The link below will take you to my survey.


Using a tracker i have learnt that i have no blog posts on target audience and organisation. i will need to blog about these two topics to improve my work. I already have four similar products posts and three drafting and planning posts, i will need to blog more about these topics to insure i gain more marks and by blogging about these topics it will help me create my own music magazine. to gain marks for target audience i could create a survey for my selected target audience to answer to get their opinion into what i could include in my magazine.

Wednesday 15 October 2014


For my front cover i will need a picture of the cover artists. For this i will need a suitable picture that can construct a representation of a rock star for my magazine.

A extreme long shot should never be used because you wont be able to see who is the cover artist on that issue of the magazine.
A long shot isn't suitable as the cover artists will need to be easily seen by people when they walk past the magazine in stores.
A medium close up is suitable for a magazine as you can see the cover artists clearly and easily.
A close up is useful for a single cover artist as you only need to focus on them and nothing else.

im going to use a medium close up for my be suitable for a magazine as it will be close enough to show the emotion of the cover artist and their attitude. this is usually achieved through direct address (eye contact) and their body language in which they represent their individual image.


The band name i have chosen for my rock music magazine is 'Meth' for this band name i will need an appropriate font to use.

Meth: this font is plain and wouldn't be very effective. this is the type of font i would use in a word document for an essay      

Hurtthis font isn't very appropriate for a rock music magazine as it is very arty and it's very old fashioned and wouldn't grab the attention of the reader. 

Meth: i think that this type of font would be used in a si-fi comic. this font wouldn't be very effective for a rock magazine as it isn't very noticeable. 

Meth: this is a font that would be used in a rock magazine as it is very large and bold and would grab peoples attention as they walk by the magazine.  

the last font is the most probable choice because i think it complies with my style of magazine best. this is because the last font is more bold edgy than the others which makes it stand out as a more serious font which therefor makes it comply with my style of magazine. 

Thursday 2 October 2014

Drafting & Planning: Investigating Typography.

In order of best to worst.

B: In my opinion i think B is the best because the capital letters at the start of each word make it stand out and how to color is split goes with the face as it is half human half robot.
E: This font is good because the capital letters make it stand out and easy to read. It is a good urban font that should be used in a different magazine like Kerrang instead of a pop magazine.
A: This font is a bit too formal for a magazine as it has nothing that defines it. I would use this type of font in an email or a power point presentation.
F: This font isnt very special as it is too plain as it doesn't make an impression on the reader. This type of font is too be used on a word document for an essay.
D: This font isnt good because it is too small and doesn't stand out. This old English font would be seen in parchment documents and not in a music magazine.
C: Comic sands is used for children and shouldn't be on a music magazine as it is out of place and doesn't relate to music

this task will help me to understand what types of fonts i should be using for different types of magazine genres

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Similar Products

                                                                                                                                                              this is the magazine that i am going to base my double page spread on. i think this double page spread is effective as i like having all the text on one side of the magazine and a huge image that grabs the attention of the readers on the other. i wont use an image on the left half of the page as i think it wont be necessary since my artist is a solo artist and that the image that takes up the whole right side of the magazine will be enough. it has conformed to the convention of house colors as it has used the vibrant color pink which represents the cover artist as a kind and loving person. i will use the house colors in my double page spread to create consistency between my magazines pieces.