

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Drafting and planning (C&C task)

I used a pun in the cover star credit to create a humorous effect. the phrase not coming home is funny as one of drakes songs contains the phrase "just hold on were coming home".

Now looking at my work i regret punting the cover star credit in that font and in the top right corner. i should have matched the font that is used in the magazine title and made it larger to stand out.

I used red throughout the cover to keep a effective house color scheme and because it will stand out in the full grey background.
i dont think i did a very good job on this magazine as i didnt keep the house style of red. i used blue as it is the colour connotation of depth which works well with the word "low".
i used simple conventions such as cover lines and pugs to make my cover look better but as i said i dont believe i used the correct fonts and colors.
i struggled with this magazine as i have no knowledge of what type of magazine genre this was. i used the front for the cover star as i thought it resembled the magazine name font.
i tried to use some codes and conventions in this cover. i used the basic conventions but i couldnt think of a pug that would go well and match the genre of the artist.
this was a difficult task for Pitch as it was hard to find good fonts that matched the hard to look at picture. i tried to use orange for my cover-lines and it made the finished piece look horrible.

 this was a fairly easy task. the kings of leon font was easy to work with as there are so many fonts with the type of flick on the end. the fonts for the cover-lines was easy enough to find as the big bold font of Sound narrowed down the choices for the fonts that i would be able to use in my work 

1 comment:

  1. 1) All tasks have been done
    2) Drake - Too many fonts overall but used cover lines and secondary images well. You included a puff too which is good!
    Living Low - Change colour of headline to a colour that is more complementary to the house style but used the different codes of conventions well in this piece
    Bjork - Font colour of cover lines is too much but your placement is good
    MM - Looks brilliant!
    Kings of Leon - Also brill! you used your placement well and used a quote as a headline too.
