

Wednesday 15 October 2014


For my front cover i will need a picture of the cover artists. For this i will need a suitable picture that can construct a representation of a rock star for my magazine.

A extreme long shot should never be used because you wont be able to see who is the cover artist on that issue of the magazine.
A long shot isn't suitable as the cover artists will need to be easily seen by people when they walk past the magazine in stores.
A medium close up is suitable for a magazine as you can see the cover artists clearly and easily.
A close up is useful for a single cover artist as you only need to focus on them and nothing else.

im going to use a medium close up for my be suitable for a magazine as it will be close enough to show the emotion of the cover artist and their attitude. this is usually achieved through direct address (eye contact) and their body language in which they represent their individual image.

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