

Sunday 28 December 2014


when i make my double page spread i will have to use a suitable color scheme so the text and the picture can be seen with ease. im going to use white text in a black background. this might sound plain and ordinary but the background for my double page spread is some trees and a metal gate that is at school. so for any font color that i use it will make it incredibly hard to read so by making a separate background i will be able to keep my magazine article readable. by picking the right colors i can create a consistent house color which helps make my magazine professional and effective. if the color and the picture used in the double page spread has a nice house color style to it, it will help to bring in my target audience as it will be easy to read as well as making my cover star the main focus which helps create a relationship between Meth and my readers.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Target audience

as i have said in previous blog posts my target audience is people between 15-24 years old. i am half way through my front cover and i believe that i have set a distinct line to where my target audience is. i have used images that my target audience can relate too as the cover star is a 17 year old girl so the audience will not be to far off this age so they can already see themselves in her.  i have also used bands that have a similar target audience as well. i know that static irony (cover line star)have the same target audience because it is a real band that my friend is in and he gave me permission to use the name for my media task. by using a band with the same target audience i will get the target audience i am looking for as all of the readers who are wanting to read about my cover artist and static irony are going to be between the age of 15-24. i can entice my audience with pugs, exclusives and screamers as they are suitable to my target audiences age group. it is important that i know who my target audience is as it gives me a clear outline to what i can and cant include in my magazine.
this blog post has helped me realize how i can pull in my target audience which is a big part of making the music magazine.

Drafting and Planning

in my magazine one of the codes and conventions i could use is a pug. a pug is a way to entice the reader into reading the magazine this can take the form of a free item. i am not going to use a pug on my cover as i do not think i will be able to make it look professional as i am already struggling to use the space i have left. by not using a pug i believe that i can make my magazine look more realistic as if i were to use a pug you wouldn't be able to see most of the cover artist. i have already used a puff which is in the form of an exclusive which relates to the cover artists. this is a code and convention i have planned of using since the start of the creating of my magazine and with the deadline being on the 15th of January i will have plenty of time to finish my magazine to a high standard.
my cover lines are useful as i have made them into a bright and noticeable color so my target audience will spot them from a mile away. coverlines are useful because they show the audience what other stories are included in the magazine apart from the main story.

Tuesday 16 December 2014


i organised a photo shoot inside of school so i could acquire the images to use in my magazine.
the two images shown are the images i will use in my double page spread but i can only use one image. i am going to use the first image shown as it has a open left side of the image so that is where i will put the text for the main article. i was considering using the bottom image but decided against as the magazines i have researched into tend to have the left side of the picture full of text and the right side is used to hold the cover artist.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Drafting and planning: cover lines

we use cover lines to entice the readers to buy or at least notice the magazine. we include the names of other bands in the cover lines which are also featuring in the magazine. i will need to include at least three cover lines in my magazine and i will need to make up band names. i have gained permission to use my friends band's name on the front cover so one of the cover lines is going to have something to do with static irony. my second cover line is going to include the band name the desperado's and my third band is going to be the beavers. my magazine is a rock/indie magazine and i think that these band names are suitable for the purpose. when i make my coverlines i am going to need to use bold and bright colors for my cover lines as it will make it easier for the reader to notice my magazine and its content when they walk past the magazine. I am also going to need to use a readable font so the reader can read the cover line without a problem.

Drafting and planning

for my magazine i am going to need to use a producing company that will produce my magazine. i have researched into magazine producers and found one called Bauer Media Group. they manage over 600 magazines including kerrang so i think it is a good choice of producers. i think it will be beneficial to include the producing company somewhere in the magazine so i think i will include it in small text in the content page somewhere.
im going to use Bauer Media Group as my magazine distributes because they distribute a wide range of magazines, including Kerrang, Q magazine and more. I have also chosen them because they are involved in such a wide range of media as they are involved in Magazines, Radio, Television, Mobile and online.

Tuesday 9 December 2014


i have decided to use one artist on my front cover instead of two. by doing this i will find it easier to keep the focus on my cover artist as i will keep all of the focus on one artist instead of keeping it on two which is harder because i have to make sure that both artists are getting the focus.
by keeping one artist it will be easier to make my magazine as it will be easier to edit as i will have more space to include pugs and cover star credits. it will also be easier for my target audience to realize who the main story is about thus helping me draw in my target audience. i know i can place these over the artist but i think magazines look better when the cover star inst submerged. i will put the cover star credit over the cover star and i might use up the left over space to include few cover lines. but by having one artist the cover will be dominated by her look.

Friday 5 December 2014


for my rock music magazine i will need to have a double page spread which will need to include an article. i have researched what kerrang include in their articles and it seems to just be a question that they have asked the artist and then a paragraph on what the artist has answered .
i am thinking about what i can ask my artist and i have taken these questions into consideration:
how many more albums are you going to bring out this year?
whats your secret?
how do you deal with the hectic life of a rock star?
what is your definition of a rock star?
when's your next tour?

i think that these questions are suitable to ask a rock star because they are quite similar to the type of questions that kerrang and classic rock magazine ask the artists they interview.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Similar products

when i make my magazine i will need to think of how much it will cost. i have looked at the prices of kerrang magazine, RockSound and NME so i can see how much i should charge for my magazine. kerrang is priced at £3.99, Rocksound is £5 and an issue of NME costs around £3. RockSound is the most expensive out of the three magazines and it is also the most unpopular of the three. NME is the cheapest but it inst as popular as kerrang even though kerrang costs one pound more. my inspiration for my magazine is kerrang so i am going to price my magazine a £3.99. i think that this is a reasonable price for a magazine as it is a weekly edition and other weekly magazines are usually priced between £3 to £5.

Tuesday 2 December 2014


this is one of the front covers that kerrang used a few years ago. i have selected this image because the cover star is a female and i would like to get some ideas for how i can position my female cover star. i would like to take the photo in a medium close up or a medium low angle to show the power. i would also like to give the audience direct address to grab my audience. the way that Hayley Williams is positioned is also the way i would like my cover star to be. i want my cover star positioned that way because Hayley has poor body language which shows the rock stars life style as they are always rebellious and don't have a care in the world. 

Monday 1 December 2014


we have a photo shoot in a drama studio next lesson. we have chosen the drama studio as it is a secluded area that has white walls so we can make it look professional. it also has spotlights so we can make our cover stars stand out and it will also make it easier to edit out the background if we would like to do so. when i take the pictures for my front cover i am going to use a mid shot so i can show the emotion and attitude of my artist. for the front cover i would like the image to be bright so the expression's of my artist are clearly seen. to make sure this happens i am going to use the spotlights to make sure that all the light in the room is focused on my artist. im not going to take the images for the content page and the double page spread in the drama studio as i would like to add a background to the images. i have selected a section of the school that features alot of trees and bushes in the background and a iron fence. the background will add two things to my pictures. it will show how the artist is down to earth and kind as the color green from the trees and bushes will show her kind side to her. but the iron fence will show that she is dangerous and i will have already shown this by the red lipstick that she wears in all of her photos.