

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Target audience

i am making a draft rock music magazine that will include a front cover a content page and a double page spread. to be able to make a connection with my target audience i will need to use a suitable cover star that my target audience will be able to relate to. to do this i will use a cover star that is aged closely to the target audience. i am going to use a female cover star that is aged at 17. this will allow the audience to connect with the cover star as she is at the same age as the audience. to ensure that my artist relates to the target audience i am going to make her look like a normal teenager as they are usually shown to be shy and secretive so i am going to make my cover star look the same way as i want the target audience to feel like they are the same as her.  


when i make my draft magazine im not going to use any special effects on my cover star as it can distort the picture. another reason why im not going to use effects is because in my research into rock magazines it is only on the odd occasion that they will use effects. effects are mainly seen in magazines like NME or Q magazine which inst the genre of magazine i want to make. im going to use bright colors and bold fonts to get the attention of the reader. this tends to be the way that magazines like Kerrang and Classic Rock gets the readers attention. the pictures that they use are always accompanied by a large bold cover star credit and bright mast heads. this is the look that i want for my magazine as i want my magazine to look like kerrang's.

Monday 24 November 2014

Drafting and planning (ideas for a a draft)

i want to give the audience direct address from the cover star.
i am going to use no props to keep all of the focus on the cover star.
i am going to use a red house style and link it to the cover artists by having her wear bright red lipstick which will also grab the attention of the reader.

i think by doing this i will have a good image to use on my front cover, content page and my double page spread as i will be able to keep it consistent with the house style and i will be able to think of a good cover line that will match with the colour red. i think red is a good colour to use as it has the colour connotation of danger which will work well with rock as it was looked down on many years ago.

Friday 21 November 2014

organisation (facial expressions)


i have been looking at the facial expressions of rock artists in rock magazines so i looked at hayley Williams as she has has the best poses for female rock artists. i think that the two artists i will be using for my rock music magazine would look the part if i showed them the type of poses that Hayley Williams does because then they will get a feel for what they should be looking like and then i will get better pictures to use for my front cover, content page and my double page spread.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

target audience

i have researched into kerrang magazine and learned that their primary target audience is aged between 15-24. my magazine is inspired by kerrang magazine so i am going to use the same age target audience. the table below shows us that there is a near 50/50 ratio of boys to girls so i dont have to worry about it being gender specific.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Research into similar products

through this whole edition of NME magazine they have kept to the house style of red and white. the red is a color connotation of danger. and by using the headline "BLOODY HELL!" in red shows us that the dangerous band has done something.  

the magazine is consistent as on the front cover it says + kasabian and kasabian is featured thorough the content page.
the picture on the content page is used to show that they are the topic of the main story. this is shown as they are the only band to have a picture on both the front  cover and the content page. 


I am currently thinking about where I should take my photos for my rock music magazine.
I have asked my target audience and they think I should choose between 3 locations.
1. a plain white background
2. a forest that has lost all of its leaves
3. out in the snow

the first location is easy to do as all I would need to do is use a white wall or just edit out the background.
the second location is easy to do because I live 10 minuets away from the lickey hills which is a enormous forest and since it is winter the leaves have come off near to all of the trees.
the third location is the hardest location because I have to hope that it snows this year and if it does I will have to get my cover artists to come out to me so I can take the photos before the snow melts.  

Thursday 13 November 2014


Inline images 2Displaying 2014-11-02 21.40.51 (1).jpg
i organised a photo shoot in order to gather images to use in my music magazine. i didn't use direct address to show that my cover star is rebellious and that i do not care what my audience thinks of me. this is useful especial in a rock magazine because rock stars tend to be uncaring and rebellious so i followed this stereotype so i could make my artist look real.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

drafting and planning

this is the layout i am going to use for my double page spread and contents page in my rock music magazine

i think that this layout for a double page spread is suitable as i have analysed double page spreads and one of the kerrang magazines that i analysed used a layout that was quite similar to this. i put a quote underneath both of my pictures because alot of the double page spreads feature quotes from the artists that also are usually related to the story so i thought it would be suitable to include a quote.   
i looked at multiple genre magazines for the content page layout (i looked at classic rock, NME, clash, vibe ect) they showed me that the text is usually on one side of the A4 piece of paper so it can also feature a picture of the band featuring in the main story. think i should of changed the bottom picture to a banner of a contest entry because i believe that having two images of the same band on the content page is a bit too much.  

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Drafting and planning

this is the layout i am going to use for my double page spread and contents page in my rock music magazine

i think that this layout for a double page spread is suitable as i have analysed double page spreads and one of the kerrang magazines that i analysed used a layout that was quite similar to this. i put a quote underneath both of my pictures because alot of the double page spreads feature quotes from the artists that also are usually related to the story so i thought it would be suitable to include a quote.   

i looked at multiple genre magazines for the content page layout (i looked at classic rock, NME, clash, vibe ect) they showed me that the text is usually on one side of the A4 piece of paper so it can also feature a picture of the band featuring in the main story. think i should of changed the bottom picture to a banner of a contest entry because i believe that having two images of the same band on the content page is a bit too much. 


when I do my photo shoot for my rock music magazine I will need to make sure that my cover artist looks the part. to make my cover star look the part i am going to have her use dark eye makeup to give her the dark and mysterious look that alot of the female rock artist poses. im not going to use a prop in my photos as i want to give my photos a minimalistic look and it will take alot of the attention off of my artist who is suppose to be the main focus of the magazine. im also going to have her using red lipstick which shows the connotations of danger which is exactly the way i think female rock stars look.

target audience

I have come to a conclusion to what my target audience is going to be for my rock music magazine.
I am going to be aiming at both male and female people aged at 16-25. I feel that this is a reasonable target audience for a rock magazine as my research into kerrang magazine has showed me that they two aim at both males and females aged between 16-25. this is the best target audience to aim for as they are in the age range to relate to alot of the artist in the rock genre as most of the rock genre has been replaced with new and young bands. but they are also old enough to know about the legends of rock like AC-DC. this is important as it allows me to include all types of rock bands to my magazine as the target audience can relate to the majority of bands in the genre.

Thursday 6 November 2014


today we peer assessed each others magazines that we created for our remake and remodel task. this has helped me to know what i am forgetting to add to my magazine. i used most of the codes and conventions but i was told that i could use up more space so that it doesn't look plain and boring.
i could of also experimented with different lighting techniques swell instead of using a plain white background but i went with the house style of kerrrang which is a plain white background.
when i make my magazine i will want to use a plain background like kerrang does. instead of removing the background of a picture im going to take the photo of my cover star standing in front of a plain wall or screen. this will make it easier for me as i wont have to go through the hassle of removing the background and it will make the finished product look alot more professional.  

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Drafting and Planning: Re-make Remodel

this is my magazine that i created for my re-make remodel task. i decided to make a kerrang magazine as it is the same genre of magazine that i will make. i followed the house style of kerrang to make it look realistic (size of headline, bar code etc.) i used a plain white background because near enough of all the magazines i analyzed had used a plain white background, i edited out the background because i couldn't find anywhere that would look like i had taken this photo in a studio. i added in a bar code, date line and the price as these are very important to include for magazines. for my main cover star (me) i had to change his last name as it doesn't fit in with the magazine.

i feel like i did a good job on my magazine but i wish i had done a better job removing the background of my main cover star as  have accidentally removed parts of his head.


when i take the photos for my rock music magazine the style of the artist needs to paint a picture.
i will need to make sure that they are portraying a rock star in the correct way.
i can do this by telling them that their body language cant be perfect as they are going to be on the rock and roll lifestyle. the pictures i am thinking of taking are ea-their having my two artists up in the camera or having them in a low medium close up which will portray them as powerful.

by researching these it will give me a more informed decision on how i will portray my cover artists. it will also help me to make the photo taking process allot faster and take better images.

Monday 3 November 2014


i have taken images for my rock music magazine. i have taken into account of what people said i should be doing when i posted a survey on servey monkey. i have used a medium close up so that i am taking up most of the front cover. i decided to wear a plain grey shirt that it would stand out in the plain white background.