

Sunday 28 December 2014


when i make my double page spread i will have to use a suitable color scheme so the text and the picture can be seen with ease. im going to use white text in a black background. this might sound plain and ordinary but the background for my double page spread is some trees and a metal gate that is at school. so for any font color that i use it will make it incredibly hard to read so by making a separate background i will be able to keep my magazine article readable. by picking the right colors i can create a consistent house color which helps make my magazine professional and effective. if the color and the picture used in the double page spread has a nice house color style to it, it will help to bring in my target audience as it will be easy to read as well as making my cover star the main focus which helps create a relationship between Meth and my readers.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Target audience

as i have said in previous blog posts my target audience is people between 15-24 years old. i am half way through my front cover and i believe that i have set a distinct line to where my target audience is. i have used images that my target audience can relate too as the cover star is a 17 year old girl so the audience will not be to far off this age so they can already see themselves in her.  i have also used bands that have a similar target audience as well. i know that static irony (cover line star)have the same target audience because it is a real band that my friend is in and he gave me permission to use the name for my media task. by using a band with the same target audience i will get the target audience i am looking for as all of the readers who are wanting to read about my cover artist and static irony are going to be between the age of 15-24. i can entice my audience with pugs, exclusives and screamers as they are suitable to my target audiences age group. it is important that i know who my target audience is as it gives me a clear outline to what i can and cant include in my magazine.
this blog post has helped me realize how i can pull in my target audience which is a big part of making the music magazine.

Drafting and Planning

in my magazine one of the codes and conventions i could use is a pug. a pug is a way to entice the reader into reading the magazine this can take the form of a free item. i am not going to use a pug on my cover as i do not think i will be able to make it look professional as i am already struggling to use the space i have left. by not using a pug i believe that i can make my magazine look more realistic as if i were to use a pug you wouldn't be able to see most of the cover artist. i have already used a puff which is in the form of an exclusive which relates to the cover artists. this is a code and convention i have planned of using since the start of the creating of my magazine and with the deadline being on the 15th of January i will have plenty of time to finish my magazine to a high standard.
my cover lines are useful as i have made them into a bright and noticeable color so my target audience will spot them from a mile away. coverlines are useful because they show the audience what other stories are included in the magazine apart from the main story.

Tuesday 16 December 2014


i organised a photo shoot inside of school so i could acquire the images to use in my magazine.
the two images shown are the images i will use in my double page spread but i can only use one image. i am going to use the first image shown as it has a open left side of the image so that is where i will put the text for the main article. i was considering using the bottom image but decided against as the magazines i have researched into tend to have the left side of the picture full of text and the right side is used to hold the cover artist.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Drafting and planning: cover lines

we use cover lines to entice the readers to buy or at least notice the magazine. we include the names of other bands in the cover lines which are also featuring in the magazine. i will need to include at least three cover lines in my magazine and i will need to make up band names. i have gained permission to use my friends band's name on the front cover so one of the cover lines is going to have something to do with static irony. my second cover line is going to include the band name the desperado's and my third band is going to be the beavers. my magazine is a rock/indie magazine and i think that these band names are suitable for the purpose. when i make my coverlines i am going to need to use bold and bright colors for my cover lines as it will make it easier for the reader to notice my magazine and its content when they walk past the magazine. I am also going to need to use a readable font so the reader can read the cover line without a problem.

Drafting and planning

for my magazine i am going to need to use a producing company that will produce my magazine. i have researched into magazine producers and found one called Bauer Media Group. they manage over 600 magazines including kerrang so i think it is a good choice of producers. i think it will be beneficial to include the producing company somewhere in the magazine so i think i will include it in small text in the content page somewhere.
im going to use Bauer Media Group as my magazine distributes because they distribute a wide range of magazines, including Kerrang, Q magazine and more. I have also chosen them because they are involved in such a wide range of media as they are involved in Magazines, Radio, Television, Mobile and online.

Tuesday 9 December 2014


i have decided to use one artist on my front cover instead of two. by doing this i will find it easier to keep the focus on my cover artist as i will keep all of the focus on one artist instead of keeping it on two which is harder because i have to make sure that both artists are getting the focus.
by keeping one artist it will be easier to make my magazine as it will be easier to edit as i will have more space to include pugs and cover star credits. it will also be easier for my target audience to realize who the main story is about thus helping me draw in my target audience. i know i can place these over the artist but i think magazines look better when the cover star inst submerged. i will put the cover star credit over the cover star and i might use up the left over space to include few cover lines. but by having one artist the cover will be dominated by her look.

Friday 5 December 2014


for my rock music magazine i will need to have a double page spread which will need to include an article. i have researched what kerrang include in their articles and it seems to just be a question that they have asked the artist and then a paragraph on what the artist has answered .
i am thinking about what i can ask my artist and i have taken these questions into consideration:
how many more albums are you going to bring out this year?
whats your secret?
how do you deal with the hectic life of a rock star?
what is your definition of a rock star?
when's your next tour?

i think that these questions are suitable to ask a rock star because they are quite similar to the type of questions that kerrang and classic rock magazine ask the artists they interview.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Similar products

when i make my magazine i will need to think of how much it will cost. i have looked at the prices of kerrang magazine, RockSound and NME so i can see how much i should charge for my magazine. kerrang is priced at £3.99, Rocksound is £5 and an issue of NME costs around £3. RockSound is the most expensive out of the three magazines and it is also the most unpopular of the three. NME is the cheapest but it inst as popular as kerrang even though kerrang costs one pound more. my inspiration for my magazine is kerrang so i am going to price my magazine a £3.99. i think that this is a reasonable price for a magazine as it is a weekly edition and other weekly magazines are usually priced between £3 to £5.

Tuesday 2 December 2014


this is one of the front covers that kerrang used a few years ago. i have selected this image because the cover star is a female and i would like to get some ideas for how i can position my female cover star. i would like to take the photo in a medium close up or a medium low angle to show the power. i would also like to give the audience direct address to grab my audience. the way that Hayley Williams is positioned is also the way i would like my cover star to be. i want my cover star positioned that way because Hayley has poor body language which shows the rock stars life style as they are always rebellious and don't have a care in the world. 

Monday 1 December 2014


we have a photo shoot in a drama studio next lesson. we have chosen the drama studio as it is a secluded area that has white walls so we can make it look professional. it also has spotlights so we can make our cover stars stand out and it will also make it easier to edit out the background if we would like to do so. when i take the pictures for my front cover i am going to use a mid shot so i can show the emotion and attitude of my artist. for the front cover i would like the image to be bright so the expression's of my artist are clearly seen. to make sure this happens i am going to use the spotlights to make sure that all the light in the room is focused on my artist. im not going to take the images for the content page and the double page spread in the drama studio as i would like to add a background to the images. i have selected a section of the school that features alot of trees and bushes in the background and a iron fence. the background will add two things to my pictures. it will show how the artist is down to earth and kind as the color green from the trees and bushes will show her kind side to her. but the iron fence will show that she is dangerous and i will have already shown this by the red lipstick that she wears in all of her photos.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Target audience

i am making a draft rock music magazine that will include a front cover a content page and a double page spread. to be able to make a connection with my target audience i will need to use a suitable cover star that my target audience will be able to relate to. to do this i will use a cover star that is aged closely to the target audience. i am going to use a female cover star that is aged at 17. this will allow the audience to connect with the cover star as she is at the same age as the audience. to ensure that my artist relates to the target audience i am going to make her look like a normal teenager as they are usually shown to be shy and secretive so i am going to make my cover star look the same way as i want the target audience to feel like they are the same as her.  


when i make my draft magazine im not going to use any special effects on my cover star as it can distort the picture. another reason why im not going to use effects is because in my research into rock magazines it is only on the odd occasion that they will use effects. effects are mainly seen in magazines like NME or Q magazine which inst the genre of magazine i want to make. im going to use bright colors and bold fonts to get the attention of the reader. this tends to be the way that magazines like Kerrang and Classic Rock gets the readers attention. the pictures that they use are always accompanied by a large bold cover star credit and bright mast heads. this is the look that i want for my magazine as i want my magazine to look like kerrang's.

Monday 24 November 2014

Drafting and planning (ideas for a a draft)

i want to give the audience direct address from the cover star.
i am going to use no props to keep all of the focus on the cover star.
i am going to use a red house style and link it to the cover artists by having her wear bright red lipstick which will also grab the attention of the reader.

i think by doing this i will have a good image to use on my front cover, content page and my double page spread as i will be able to keep it consistent with the house style and i will be able to think of a good cover line that will match with the colour red. i think red is a good colour to use as it has the colour connotation of danger which will work well with rock as it was looked down on many years ago.

Friday 21 November 2014

organisation (facial expressions)


i have been looking at the facial expressions of rock artists in rock magazines so i looked at hayley Williams as she has has the best poses for female rock artists. i think that the two artists i will be using for my rock music magazine would look the part if i showed them the type of poses that Hayley Williams does because then they will get a feel for what they should be looking like and then i will get better pictures to use for my front cover, content page and my double page spread.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

target audience

i have researched into kerrang magazine and learned that their primary target audience is aged between 15-24. my magazine is inspired by kerrang magazine so i am going to use the same age target audience. the table below shows us that there is a near 50/50 ratio of boys to girls so i dont have to worry about it being gender specific.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Research into similar products

through this whole edition of NME magazine they have kept to the house style of red and white. the red is a color connotation of danger. and by using the headline "BLOODY HELL!" in red shows us that the dangerous band has done something.  

the magazine is consistent as on the front cover it says + kasabian and kasabian is featured thorough the content page.
the picture on the content page is used to show that they are the topic of the main story. this is shown as they are the only band to have a picture on both the front  cover and the content page. 


I am currently thinking about where I should take my photos for my rock music magazine.
I have asked my target audience and they think I should choose between 3 locations.
1. a plain white background
2. a forest that has lost all of its leaves
3. out in the snow

the first location is easy to do as all I would need to do is use a white wall or just edit out the background.
the second location is easy to do because I live 10 minuets away from the lickey hills which is a enormous forest and since it is winter the leaves have come off near to all of the trees.
the third location is the hardest location because I have to hope that it snows this year and if it does I will have to get my cover artists to come out to me so I can take the photos before the snow melts.  

Thursday 13 November 2014


Inline images 2Displaying 2014-11-02 21.40.51 (1).jpg
i organised a photo shoot in order to gather images to use in my music magazine. i didn't use direct address to show that my cover star is rebellious and that i do not care what my audience thinks of me. this is useful especial in a rock magazine because rock stars tend to be uncaring and rebellious so i followed this stereotype so i could make my artist look real.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

drafting and planning

this is the layout i am going to use for my double page spread and contents page in my rock music magazine

i think that this layout for a double page spread is suitable as i have analysed double page spreads and one of the kerrang magazines that i analysed used a layout that was quite similar to this. i put a quote underneath both of my pictures because alot of the double page spreads feature quotes from the artists that also are usually related to the story so i thought it would be suitable to include a quote.   
i looked at multiple genre magazines for the content page layout (i looked at classic rock, NME, clash, vibe ect) they showed me that the text is usually on one side of the A4 piece of paper so it can also feature a picture of the band featuring in the main story. think i should of changed the bottom picture to a banner of a contest entry because i believe that having two images of the same band on the content page is a bit too much.  

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Drafting and planning

this is the layout i am going to use for my double page spread and contents page in my rock music magazine

i think that this layout for a double page spread is suitable as i have analysed double page spreads and one of the kerrang magazines that i analysed used a layout that was quite similar to this. i put a quote underneath both of my pictures because alot of the double page spreads feature quotes from the artists that also are usually related to the story so i thought it would be suitable to include a quote.   

i looked at multiple genre magazines for the content page layout (i looked at classic rock, NME, clash, vibe ect) they showed me that the text is usually on one side of the A4 piece of paper so it can also feature a picture of the band featuring in the main story. think i should of changed the bottom picture to a banner of a contest entry because i believe that having two images of the same band on the content page is a bit too much. 


when I do my photo shoot for my rock music magazine I will need to make sure that my cover artist looks the part. to make my cover star look the part i am going to have her use dark eye makeup to give her the dark and mysterious look that alot of the female rock artist poses. im not going to use a prop in my photos as i want to give my photos a minimalistic look and it will take alot of the attention off of my artist who is suppose to be the main focus of the magazine. im also going to have her using red lipstick which shows the connotations of danger which is exactly the way i think female rock stars look.

target audience

I have come to a conclusion to what my target audience is going to be for my rock music magazine.
I am going to be aiming at both male and female people aged at 16-25. I feel that this is a reasonable target audience for a rock magazine as my research into kerrang magazine has showed me that they two aim at both males and females aged between 16-25. this is the best target audience to aim for as they are in the age range to relate to alot of the artist in the rock genre as most of the rock genre has been replaced with new and young bands. but they are also old enough to know about the legends of rock like AC-DC. this is important as it allows me to include all types of rock bands to my magazine as the target audience can relate to the majority of bands in the genre.

Thursday 6 November 2014


today we peer assessed each others magazines that we created for our remake and remodel task. this has helped me to know what i am forgetting to add to my magazine. i used most of the codes and conventions but i was told that i could use up more space so that it doesn't look plain and boring.
i could of also experimented with different lighting techniques swell instead of using a plain white background but i went with the house style of kerrrang which is a plain white background.
when i make my magazine i will want to use a plain background like kerrang does. instead of removing the background of a picture im going to take the photo of my cover star standing in front of a plain wall or screen. this will make it easier for me as i wont have to go through the hassle of removing the background and it will make the finished product look alot more professional.  

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Drafting and Planning: Re-make Remodel

this is my magazine that i created for my re-make remodel task. i decided to make a kerrang magazine as it is the same genre of magazine that i will make. i followed the house style of kerrang to make it look realistic (size of headline, bar code etc.) i used a plain white background because near enough of all the magazines i analyzed had used a plain white background, i edited out the background because i couldn't find anywhere that would look like i had taken this photo in a studio. i added in a bar code, date line and the price as these are very important to include for magazines. for my main cover star (me) i had to change his last name as it doesn't fit in with the magazine.

i feel like i did a good job on my magazine but i wish i had done a better job removing the background of my main cover star as  have accidentally removed parts of his head.


when i take the photos for my rock music magazine the style of the artist needs to paint a picture.
i will need to make sure that they are portraying a rock star in the correct way.
i can do this by telling them that their body language cant be perfect as they are going to be on the rock and roll lifestyle. the pictures i am thinking of taking are ea-their having my two artists up in the camera or having them in a low medium close up which will portray them as powerful.

by researching these it will give me a more informed decision on how i will portray my cover artists. it will also help me to make the photo taking process allot faster and take better images.

Monday 3 November 2014


i have taken images for my rock music magazine. i have taken into account of what people said i should be doing when i posted a survey on servey monkey. i have used a medium close up so that i am taking up most of the front cover. i decided to wear a plain grey shirt that it would stand out in the plain white background.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Drafting and Planning: Self assessment of magazine templates

i could use these magazine cover later on in my media AS to show what progress i have made over the year and i can do this by referencing them in blog posts later on in the year.

the improvements i revived by a classmate are as follows:
M-1 Too many fonts overall but used cover lines and secondary images well.
M-2 Change colour of headline to a colour that is more complementary to the house style
Music X  Font colour of cover lines is too much

Wednesday 22 October 2014

similar products (Research into magazine distributors)
i have looked at Bauer media. they are the company that publish kerrang (the magazine that i have been mainly reaserching). i think that bauer media would be a perfect publisher for my magazine as they are already producing similar magazines to mine.
i have also looked at IPC media. they are one of the biggest leading publishers of music magazines in the uk. they publish some magazines such as UN CUT which are a rock music magazine and they produce NME which is a indi magazine. this could also be a suitable choice of publisher as they produce a wide range and genre of magazines.

Drafting and planning (C&C task)

I used a pun in the cover star credit to create a humorous effect. the phrase not coming home is funny as one of drakes songs contains the phrase "just hold on were coming home".

Now looking at my work i regret punting the cover star credit in that font and in the top right corner. i should have matched the font that is used in the magazine title and made it larger to stand out.

I used red throughout the cover to keep a effective house color scheme and because it will stand out in the full grey background.
i dont think i did a very good job on this magazine as i didnt keep the house style of red. i used blue as it is the colour connotation of depth which works well with the word "low".
i used simple conventions such as cover lines and pugs to make my cover look better but as i said i dont believe i used the correct fonts and colors.
i struggled with this magazine as i have no knowledge of what type of magazine genre this was. i used the front for the cover star as i thought it resembled the magazine name font.
i tried to use some codes and conventions in this cover. i used the basic conventions but i couldnt think of a pug that would go well and match the genre of the artist.
this was a difficult task for Pitch as it was hard to find good fonts that matched the hard to look at picture. i tried to use orange for my cover-lines and it made the finished piece look horrible.

 this was a fairly easy task. the kings of leon font was easy to work with as there are so many fonts with the type of flick on the end. the fonts for the cover-lines was easy enough to find as the big bold font of Sound narrowed down the choices for the fonts that i would be able to use in my work 

Tuesday 21 October 2014

target audience (survey results)

i made a survey so i could get a gereral idea of how i should construct my magazine. in my survey i asked these questions:
1. What age group tends to read rock magazines 8-16  17-25  26-34  35+
2. What main three features would you expect to see on the front cover of a rock music magazine.
3. Which magazine name do you think suits a rock magazine the best.  Hurt  J4K Music  JJM
4. What camera angle would be best for a band that has two members who will feature on my front cover, content page and double page spread.

From my survey i have found these results.

My target audience is going to be 17-25 year olds. This might change because in this century a lot of 40+ year olds still listen to rock music like ac-dc.

The main three features of the magazine front cover featured band/ artist, a Big headline in a bold professional font, a color scheme that contains a primary and secondary color, other headlines advertising the content inside the magazine.

the name of the magazine is going to be Hurt. i think this is a suitable name for a rock magazine as it is quite dark.

And that the shot of the band for my front cover should be a slightly low angled mid shot, this will make the band look powerful and also intimidating if that is the image that is trying to be achieved.

these results will help me when i make my magazine as i have gathered all the information that i need to make my magazine from my target audience.
the house styles chosen by my target audience were Red, Black and White. these are good colours as they are easy to incorporate into every day life and I will be able to get my cover star to feature in the magazine wearing one or two of the colours

Thursday 16 October 2014

Target Audience (survey monkey)

I have created a survey using a program called survey monkey so i can see what type of target audience i should be aiming for. The link below will take you to my survey.


Using a tracker i have learnt that i have no blog posts on target audience and organisation. i will need to blog about these two topics to improve my work. I already have four similar products posts and three drafting and planning posts, i will need to blog more about these topics to insure i gain more marks and by blogging about these topics it will help me create my own music magazine. to gain marks for target audience i could create a survey for my selected target audience to answer to get their opinion into what i could include in my magazine.

Wednesday 15 October 2014


For my front cover i will need a picture of the cover artists. For this i will need a suitable picture that can construct a representation of a rock star for my magazine.

A extreme long shot should never be used because you wont be able to see who is the cover artist on that issue of the magazine.
A long shot isn't suitable as the cover artists will need to be easily seen by people when they walk past the magazine in stores.
A medium close up is suitable for a magazine as you can see the cover artists clearly and easily.
A close up is useful for a single cover artist as you only need to focus on them and nothing else.

im going to use a medium close up for my be suitable for a magazine as it will be close enough to show the emotion of the cover artist and their attitude. this is usually achieved through direct address (eye contact) and their body language in which they represent their individual image.


The band name i have chosen for my rock music magazine is 'Meth' for this band name i will need an appropriate font to use.

Meth: this font is plain and wouldn't be very effective. this is the type of font i would use in a word document for an essay      

Hurtthis font isn't very appropriate for a rock music magazine as it is very arty and it's very old fashioned and wouldn't grab the attention of the reader. 

Meth: i think that this type of font would be used in a si-fi comic. this font wouldn't be very effective for a rock magazine as it isn't very noticeable. 

Meth: this is a font that would be used in a rock magazine as it is very large and bold and would grab peoples attention as they walk by the magazine.  

the last font is the most probable choice because i think it complies with my style of magazine best. this is because the last font is more bold edgy than the others which makes it stand out as a more serious font which therefor makes it comply with my style of magazine. 

Thursday 2 October 2014

Drafting & Planning: Investigating Typography.

In order of best to worst.

B: In my opinion i think B is the best because the capital letters at the start of each word make it stand out and how to color is split goes with the face as it is half human half robot.
E: This font is good because the capital letters make it stand out and easy to read. It is a good urban font that should be used in a different magazine like Kerrang instead of a pop magazine.
A: This font is a bit too formal for a magazine as it has nothing that defines it. I would use this type of font in an email or a power point presentation.
F: This font isnt very special as it is too plain as it doesn't make an impression on the reader. This type of font is too be used on a word document for an essay.
D: This font isnt good because it is too small and doesn't stand out. This old English font would be seen in parchment documents and not in a music magazine.
C: Comic sands is used for children and shouldn't be on a music magazine as it is out of place and doesn't relate to music

this task will help me to understand what types of fonts i should be using for different types of magazine genres

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Similar Products

                                                                                                                                                              this is the magazine that i am going to base my double page spread on. i think this double page spread is effective as i like having all the text on one side of the magazine and a huge image that grabs the attention of the readers on the other. i wont use an image on the left half of the page as i think it wont be necessary since my artist is a solo artist and that the image that takes up the whole right side of the magazine will be enough. it has conformed to the convention of house colors as it has used the vibrant color pink which represents the cover artist as a kind and loving person. i will use the house colors in my double page spread to create consistency between my magazines pieces. 

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Preliminary task.

I used a bright green font for the headline as the Fisher house color is green.
this was my first attempt at creating a magazine cover. i think that the use of red and white was a good idea but the positioning of the text was wrong. i think this because there is a clash between the light coming into the library so the text is hard to read.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Drafting & Planning: NME Creative Task

Today we have made a basic NME front cover with Trent Reznor as our cover star. We imported the pictures into and deleted the background behind Trent so we could have his head covering some of the NME masthead. We also included the date, price, bar-code, cover star credits and two cover lines.

From this task we have learned basic skills. This will help us to make our own magazine cover on as we will know how to manipulate images.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

research into similar products

I really like this content page because it uses a large bright image to show who the cover story is about. The subheading 'features' shows the reader what else the magazine and makes them want to read about their favorite bands that are also featured in the magazine.

Compared to the classic rock magazine content page this Kerrang content page contains more information and images. This is useful to me as it shows me that a good contents page doesn't need to be full of images or have a overly large amount of writing. This magazine would attract readers from the age of 14-27 years of age and the Classic Rock magazine would attract readers from the age of 30-48 years of age. The primary colors of the magazine (black, white and yellow) are fluent throughout the magazine (this shows me that the colors on the front page, contents page and my double page spread should all include the same theme).

Thursday 18 September 2014

research into similar products

These magazine covers will help me to design my own front cover for when i create my Rock Music Magazine.
all of these magazines keep the masthead at the top of the page all the time. i will need to do the same to keep the same look and design of a rock magazine.
i have labeled all of the codes and conventions that i could find in each of these magazines so i can try to replicate the convention styles..  

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Drafting & Planning

this is my magazine front cover. I have used a medium close up for my picture as i thought it would leave enough space to include a headline and items on the bottom and top of the magazine. the picture i used suits the use as it shows off the main story that i was going to talk about (the year 11 prom)

Thursday 11 September 2014

Questionnaire Results

For question one people said i should have white as my primary colour for my school magazine. I will take this into consideration because it will make the writing on the magazine stand out more and make it easier for people to read who have glasses.

For question two the majority of people said sport i think i will go with the odd few answers of school achivments and sucesful students. I decided to choose the least popular answer because it will make students who read it feel more joined into the magazine so it includes them not just the people who win at sporting events.

For question three, nine out of the ten people i asked said that there should be a puzzle page in the school magazine. One of the answers said that there should be a prize for who ever gets all the of the puzzles correct. This will be definatly included because it will make people want to do the puzzle and this will make the magazine fun and informative.

For question four everyone said yes to having interviews from teachers. This will be good to have inside the magazine as people will want to know their teachers better and by reading the interviews students can also send in questions to the magazine to get their questions answered by the teachers.

Friday 5 September 2014

research into similar products

the picture shown above is from a rock magazine. The magazine is effective as it is all black and white except for a free CD sign and a CD. This is to grab the attention of the customer as customers will see the added content to the magazine and will buy it to get the latest "free" CD from the band featured on the cover. this magazine hasn't used the left third convention and instead they have used the left portion of the magazine to show one of the artists and a pug. the magazine has still used other conventions such as the use of cover lines and the bar code.

This is another example of of a rock magazine also featuring AC-DC. The magazine is effective because the font is very unusual and isn't the type of font you would see on every magazine. But the font is effective because it grabs you and would make you read the front of the magazine and see what you are missing out on. this is another example of a magazine not using the left third for cover lines but they have used the bottom of the magazine for the cover star credit and the left third for the main image and the bar code, they have used the conventions that are normally seen in magazines but they have placed them in a unique way as the bar code is in the middle left of the magazine.

this task will help me to layout my own rock music magazine later on during a level media.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Favourite Band (website)

The link below is a link to the home page of AC-DC which is my favourite band.

I like AC-DC because i have loyalty towards them in the fact that i grew listening to them as my dad has been a fan of the band since they started.

I find the website appealing because it has the bands main colour as its background and there is a hyperlink bar which will lead you to what part of the website you want to see. This makes the website easier to use.

AC-DC would normally be in rock magazines such as Kerrang magazine or Classic Rock magazine as they both associate them self with the top rock bands in the world.

The website reaches their fanbase by puting art and pictures from their album covers and tours as shown below

The first AS media task

The picture shown below was from a cropping and resizing exercise that i did this morning to demonstrate my ICT skills using a picture and a magazine masthead. 

First Entry.

 I am Jake McEntee and this is the first entry for my A-Level Media blog. I am attending STACS sixth form and have been at STACS since year 7